
Cerita-cerita Slowly

Persahabatan yang Hanya Bisa Ditemukan di Slowly

I improved my English a lot as well and now using it for Japanese!

Why do people nowadays keep sending letters?

It was starting to get boring again without new letters arriving to an extent of thinking if whether I should uninstall the app or not...

Get to know new cultures and mindsets and be aware that you can change lives with your words.

Yang bisa kita lakukan hanyalah menghargai momen yang kita miliki bersama orang lain dan menjadikan setiap detik berarti!

I discussed the former Soviet Union and the Orthodox Church with teachers from Russia, post-colonialism and new age architecture with students and artists from Africa...

Kita semua telah memiliki pengalaman yang berbeda yang membuat kita tumbuh atau membuat kita mempertanyakan eksistensi kita.

Growing up, I've always felt "out of place" because of society's labelling and stereotypes.

On a sleepless night, an idea popped up in my head - why not ask the elder on Slowly?...

We spent a pleasant afternoon in downtown Mexico City, walking around Bellas Artes and going to a classic café in the Torre Latinoamericana. A unique experience.

I always wanted to travel, and Slowly for me was a means of travel.

Ini kisahku, kisah tentang memahami diriku dan menerima diriku sendiri.


Mulai terhubung dengan dunia sekarang!

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