
Cerita-cerita Slowly

Persahabatan yang Hanya Bisa Ditemukan di Slowly

Now I also have a big new dream to buy a ticket to South Korea and fly to Seoul to meet my awesome soulmate!

It has connected not only us, but also our lives and hearts...

In Russia it is so hard to find someone, who could understand you and you would talk freely, without any fears!

A wonderful soul named Loay, a person who later became my soul mate and the source of my happiness.

Saat aku mengaku padanya bahwa aku adalah Transgender, dia adalah satu-satunya yang melihatku sebagai diriku sejatinya, dia tidak melihat dari tubuhku melainkan benar-benar diriku yang sesungguhnya ...

Whatever we talk about, whatever we do or see we find each other in it. I’ve connected with this woman on so many levels...

It may be hard to find someone who wants to share and talk about stuff, but once you find them you know that they could be your lifetime friend...

Sharing secrets, worries, fantasies and ambitions Bobak and me have become true friends and have since then never stopped writing letters to each other.


Mulai terhubung dengan dunia sekarang!

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