
Storia Slowly

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I am convinced that letters can have a very special magic for people.

I've always loved talking and finding out new things. Once I click with a certain person, the conversation will go on and on.

Slowly became that channel we needed to unfurl our deepest thoughts and emotions. And it worked like a charm for us.

As an Australian living in China, there are periods of time where loneliness and isolation can overwhelm you.

As I spent more time on this app, I slowly – pun intended – learnt to appreciate the letters we exchanged with all those people who I lost connection with.

Finding warm and nice penpals might be a bit challenging for every one writes in their own unique way.

On my birthday this year, she wrote me one adorable letter and made me two beautiful music playlists which i listen to literally daily.

Ormai ci si è dimenticati di scrivere con la massima attenzione, in un mondo di messaggistica istantanea...

Ragazzi!!! é stato forse uno dei momenti piú belli che mi siano mai capitati.

Nothing is off the limits with Slowly. There is a plethora of topics I can discuss here without people judging me.

Mi emoziono ancora quando un amico di penna spunta fuori e non mi annoierò mai di aspettare l'arrivo delle lettere - l'emozione è più forte di quanto sia mai stata!

Scrivere tutte queste lettere mi ha aiutato a superare un periodo davvero difficile.


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