Storia Slowly
Amicizie su Slowly che puoi trovare solo qui
It's truly delightful to find oneself in this app, whereupon I've come to a profound realization...
The close friends that i have met can only be given one word , "family"
Someday, everything will just turn to memories and it can either bring tears or smiles to our faces.
She struck a chord within my soul and right now she is a very important friend here on Slowly...
Unfortunately, he deactivated his account, and the last time I've heard from him was in August ...ย
I can describe it as a meditative experience: I feel fully present in the moment and I forget about the world as I keep typing.
Her letters made me think about lots of the stuff that I had taken for granted in the world, and she and I held several of the same moral values.
Slowly made me realize how beautiful this world is and how many lovely people are waiting to be discovered!
Parlavano di un mondo a me sconosciuto, ma mi hanno dato la chiave e mi hanno fatto da guida.
Slowly taught me the most important lesson of treasuring people in your life. Never take them for granted.
Spesso ci scambiamo storie, sulle nostre paure e preoccupazioni riguardo alla vita. Non ho mai esitato a dirgli nulla.
Gil si impegnรฒ molto, ci dedicรฒ molto tempo nonostante il suo lavoro e ci portรฒ nella sua cittร natale, Querรฉtaro, a vedere tanti bei posti ai quali senza di lui non saremmo mai arrivate.