Slowly 스토리
슬로울리에서만 찾을 수 있는 펜팔 관계
It is wonderful to make friends from a completely different part of the World and to see their country through their eyes.
자그레브에서 며칠 동안 함께 시간을 보내며 도시를 탐험하고, 경험과 모험을 나누었습니다...
I even woke up as early as 5am in the morning, to reply his letter, so that we could utilize every hour of the day, and make 2 cycles within the 24 hours!
그들은 문화적 정체성을 이해하는 데도 도움을 주었습니다. 즉, 저의 사고방식과 생활 방식에 대해서도요. 저는 상파울루 출신의 3세 니케이입니다.
Later on, I met three penpals who became very important in my life.
I've found so many close and fantastic friendships here that trying to narrow it down to just one was impossible...