
Slowly 스토리

슬로울리에서만 찾을 수 있는 펜팔 관계

어느 순간, 우리는 서로 깊이 사랑하고 있다는 것을 알았습니다...

"Slowly"에서는 좋은 친구를 찾았어요! 항상 저를 응원해주고, 이해해주고, 아껴주고, 어떤 상황에서도 함께 있어 줘요.

저는 학교에서 미친 것 같고 이상한 짓을 하는 것을 좋아하기 때문에, 제 친구들과 선생님들은 저를 외계인이라고 불렀어요.

친구들은 저의 이야기를 들어주고, 저를 안심시켜주어서, 전 결국 모든 것이 잘 되리라는 것을 알게 되었습니다.

Maybe not all people are interested in this topic. But compared with the instant chats, writing here is more healing for my soul. I feel accepted in the decent way of talking.

Because of the restrictions and the DONTs my parents have set for me, I grew up to always desire friendship and love from others.

The first letter I’d ever sent was the very first letter she had ever read. Coincidental?

Your letters could heal someone, love a tender soul, uplift the goodness and fight the cause.

As an Australian living in China, there are periods of time where loneliness and isolation can overwhelm you.

Surprisingly, had almost nothing in common with me, yet our letters were so long that it took us days to read and write an answer.

Unlike my brief message, M wrote a long piece of letter, telling me about everything about her hometown, feeling curious about the island I’m from...

제가 집에 혼자 있었음에도 불구하고 처음으로 혼자라고 느끼지 않았어요.


지금 세계와 소통하세요!

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