Slowly 스토리


🇧🇷 Brazil

Even though I have no degree, nor professional courses, I'm here to share my story, my everyday...

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A.I. Diagiamini

🇨🇱 칠레

Slowly를 통해 편지를 보내는게 일상이 된 것처럼, 저는 펜팔들 말을 듣는 법도 배웠습니다.

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🇭🇰 Hong Kong

Through this app, I've typed an unprecedented amount of words to convey feelings I've never been able to express before...

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Curious chessy

🇮🇳 India

I love the idea of this app and its creation is commendable.

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🇩🇪 Germany

I remember back in 80's I used to write real mail made out of paper & pen with stamps and such.

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🇹🇷 Turkey

The only time I become impatient is when I see the notification of her letter arriving...

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🇲🇾 Malaysia

Getting a digital letter feels like Christmas. Especially when the opposite pours their hearts content, while putting in effort to learn and understand you as well.

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🇲🇽 Mexico

Without realizing, I got the “Serious writer” stamp for achieving 100 sent out letters...

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🇮🇩 Indonesia

These days we were unable to stop exchanging letters, I learned a lot about where he lives, his culture and his people even from the smallest thing.

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🇸🇬 Singapore

I even woke up as early as 5am in the morning, to reply his letter, so that we could utilize every hour of the day, and make 2 cycles within the 24 hours!

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🇵🇭 Philippines

I related so much since I just had a "what if" moment then and was feeling rather melancholic.

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🇨🇦 Canada

I have made two best friends that I will never forget nor lose contact with.

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