
Histórias Slowly

Amizades por correspondência que você só encontra no Slowly

It is difficult to keep a long-term pen pal relationship, that’s why I am very lucky.

Assim como muitas outras cidadãs pertencentes à países de terceiro mundo, eu fui tratada como se tivesse cometido um ato vergonhoso.

I didn't expect that anyone will ever talk to me like my first pen pal wrote me.

We both decided to share our unabridged stories from the first moments we met on the app. I told my story from my point of view and Danny from his.

Quando eu era pequeno, eu fui diagnosticado com Autismo. Isso fez com que minha mãe se tornasse extremamente triste...

I met the love of my life using Slowly...

E agora, ela está por aí, vivendo sua vida. Sinceramente, foi uma das melhores coisas que já vivi.

Whatever we talk about, whatever we do or see we find each other in it. I’ve connected with this woman on so many levels...

Our every letter was long as a short essay and very interesting...

I was so shocked to see that someone who is so alike to me never found each other until we stumbled upon this app...


Comece a conectar-se com o mundo agora!

4.7   8 mi+

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