Estória Slowly

Next Door Anomaly

🇮🇷 Iran

Meaningful conversations revolving around any topic can most certainly lead to personal growth and character development...

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🇮🇷 Iran

Writing with full attention is almost forgotten, in a world of instant messaging...

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🇺🇸 United States

Since the first letter, we have been writing to each other non-stop.

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🇹🇷 Turkey

There are not many people who understand real literature in my country, but I can discuss Sheakespeare with a British, Volteire with French, Mauppassant…

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AniMax & Elif.Murphy

🇺🇸 Estados Unidos & 🇮🇷 Irã

Meu coração derreteu quando ouviu a sua doce e suave voz falando adoráveis ​​palavras persas para mim.

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