Historie Slowly


🇹🇷 Turkey

The only time I become impatient is when I see the notification of her letter arriving...

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🇧🇩 Bangladesz

Tak jak inne obywatelki krajów trzeciego świata, byłam traktowana, jakbym popełniła jakiś haniebny czyn.

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🇫🇷 France

I am a French guy trying to reach Mongolia with my yellow van. I have been traveling since November 2018, an incredible journey.

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🇵🇰 Pakistan

Nie spodziewałem się, że kiedykolwiek ktoś będzie ze mną rozmawiać tak, jak moja pierwsza znajoma korespondencyjna.

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🇮🇩 Indonesia

These days we were unable to stop exchanging letters, I learned a lot about where he lives, his culture and his people even from the smallest thing.

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🇸🇬 Singapore

I even woke up as early as 5am in the morning, to reply his letter, so that we could utilize every hour of the day, and make 2 cycles within the 24 hours!

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🇺🇸 United States

Safety first because this is going to be the one reason why you download Slowly.

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🇨🇦 Canada

I have made two best friends that I will never forget nor lose contact with.

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🇹🇼 Taiwan

Later on, I met three penpals who became very important in my life.

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🇷🇺 Russia

In Russia it is so hard to find someone, who could understand you and you would talk freely, without any fears!

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🇨🇳 China

I took off my mask and for the first time I ever tried to be honest.

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🇧🇷 Brazil

My students titled me "ambassador-professor of Slowly"

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