Historie Slowly
Przyjaźnie, które znajdziesz tylko na Slowly
Hearing about so many peoples different experiences and outlooks on life, where they traveled to...
They speak of a world unfamiliar to me, but they gave me the key and showed me around.
I found people who are changing the way I see the world with their words, making me travel without leaving my place...
This unique platform transcends borders and language barriers, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together...
Wpadłem na SLOWLY z ciekawości, przypadkiem podczas szukania kolejnej aplikacji do nauki języków. To było coś nowego ...
Get to know new cultures and mindsets and be aware that you can change lives with your words.
Pisanie listów to świetny sposób na zainwestowanie własnego czasu
I was astounded just to read about life in a different country or even continent! So many different customs, so many different ways of thinking...
She helped me learn about Chinese culture and traditions. I told her that hopefully one day I'll get the chance to meet her...