
Historie Slowly

Przyjaźnie, które znajdziesz tylko na Slowly

I don't necessarily think that my story is as exciting or optimistic as others but I do want to tell my story if it gets out there...

As a journalist, I love getting to know more about people and how they experience life. Slowly, however, allowed me to go beyond what I expected.

Myślę, że w głębi duszy każdy pragnie poznać to co wykracza poza granice jego własnej kultury – ogrom całego świata.

When I started interacting with people again, I noticed that I was able to have better conversations, and connect to people on a deeper level.

It was on a stormy and rainy night. Some thunder was to hear every now and then.

Nothing is off the limits with Slowly. There is a plethora of topics I can discuss here without people judging me.

I will only tell people who are reading this story to never stop sending letters, you never know who is missing you.

Unlike my brief message, M wrote a long piece of letter, telling me about everything about her hometown, feeling curious about the island I’m from...

Just try your best to search for your "light" in the darkness. It will be worth it to fight for it- trust me!

When I want to learn more about a country, I simply send letters to people from there and ask anything I can think of.

You could say Slowly led me down a rabbit hole, which ended in an emotional Rollercoaster xD

...mogę odwiedzać cudowne miejsca i rozmawiać z ludźmi bez wychodzenia z mojego pokoju.


Zacznij łączyć się ze światem już teraz!

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