
Historie Slowly

Znajomości korespondencyjne, które można znaleźć tylko w Slowly

nigdy już się ze sobą nie kontaktowaliśmy ponieważ on nie chciał dawać mi złudnej nadziei

I love the idea of this app and its creation is commendable.

Till now we haven't exchanged numbers or want to connect on some other apps. Honestly we are happy writing letters to each other and not planning to change that.

Each letter were songs, stories, interesting questions and interesting nicknames developed into a beautiful friendship.

I was skeptical at first. I even considered myself a person no one wanted to know.

Tak jak inne obywatelki krajów trzeciego świata, byłam traktowana, jakbym popełniła jakiś haniebny czyn.

They have helped me to understand about my own cultural identity – my way of thinking, my way of life. I am a third-generation Nikkei from São Paulo.

I took off my mask and for the first time I ever tried to be honest.

I've found so many close and fantastic friendships here that trying to narrow it down to just one was impossible...

When the time comes for them to replied rarely, please understand that they also have a life then let them go if they're suddenly left...

Gdy byłem mały został u mnie zdiagnozowany autyzm. Bardzo zasmuciło to moją mamę (a gdy podrosłem także mnie)...

The platform has helped me see how similar we all are, regardless of our differences in beliefs, cultures or values...


Zacznij łączyć się ze światem już teraz!

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