
Истории Slowly

Дружба, которую можно найти только в Slowly

I've experienced the most tiring struggle to socialize. The era of the internet doesn't guarantee interconnections, especially in most social media I use.

I can’t tell why this word “hopeless romantic” can give me such a strong feeling that even kept me awaking during the nights...

Fortunately, I got a chance to visit her place for my work. We met and clicked instantly.

Some conversations have allowed me to learn something new or interesting about the world or even about myself...

I am convinced that letters can have a very special magic for people.

I've always loved talking and finding out new things. Once I click with a certain person, the conversation will go on and on.

Slowly стал тем каналом, который нам был нужен для раскрытия наших самых глубоких мыслей и эмоций. И это отлично сработало.

As an Australian living in China, there are periods of time where loneliness and isolation can overwhelm you.

As I spent more time on this app, I slowly – pun intended – learnt to appreciate the letters we exchanged with all those people who I lost connection with.

Finding warm and nice penpals might be a bit challenging for every one writes in their own unique way.

On my birthday this year, she wrote me one adorable letter and made me two beautiful music playlists which i listen to literally daily.

Письмо, в которое ты вовлечён, - почти забытая вещь в мире быстрых сообщений.c