Príbehy Slowly

Max Martins

🇧🇷 Brazil

Essa jornada me levou a uma viagem musical e cultural, na qual descobri o quão maravilhoso é conectar-se com pessoas a milhares de quilômetros de distância.

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🇧🇷 Brasil

Espero que meu depoimento especial e verdadeiro chegue a quem precisa reconstruir sua vida ...

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🇵🇱 Poland

“You sound like my soulmate”, she wrote to me right at the beginning of the very first letter.

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🇦🇷 Argentina

I wanted to escape the world. I wanted to meet people, get to know other cultures. Find these lost black sheep as me.

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🇧🇴 Bolivia

I stopped responding to her letters, without first saying goodbye...

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🇵🇭 Philippines

My daily routine was becoming monotonous.

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🇧🇪 Bélgica

"Slowly, outro aplicativo estranho que acha que encontrou a solução para as mídias sociais" pensei quando vi o Slowly na play store.

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your dear onni

🇷🇺 Russia

Letters are written with soul, because people want to communicate with you, and not only about everyday matters.

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🇧🇷 Brazil

One can most definitely make real and meaningful connections despite the distance or having a different cultural background.

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🇧🇷 Brazil

Through the app I met my best friend and I love her more than the distance that separates us.

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🇧🇷 Brasil

Sempre tive dificuldade de me comunicar com outras pessoas, até nas redes sociais era meio difícil fazer isso...

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🇧🇷 Brazil

As a journalist, I love getting to know more about people and how they experience life.

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