Slowly Story  
Beydaa | ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท Turkey
Editor's Pick

Hi everyone! Here is my story.

Last year, I entered the university entrance exam and the result was quite good. I’ve wanted to be a doctor since I was a little girl so I decided to study medicine in the capital city, Ankara. Everything was wonderful except this was the first time for me to be separated from my family. I am an only child and this situation was hard for me.

Anyway, I study medicine in English, not in my mother language therefore, I had to improve my skills too. One day I felt lonely so looked apps random to escape this feeling and I saw Slowly. I wanted to improve my skills, checked. I like making new friends, checked. I loved this idea of writing letters to World, waiting for the unexpectable replies, feeling 1900’s emotions, checked. Then I downloaded the app and sent my first letters.

Sometimes a single click changes everything, it was a kind of that moment. The city where I used to live is quite hot and has Mediterranean climate although the city where I started to live is freezing. Therefore I sent my first letter to Spain, to remember how the sun is shining. I used all my luck in it, I guess. I’ve met an amazing person. While reading his letters, I feel like with him in Spain. Thanks to him, I see the beauties of Valencia even from here. While writing to him, the words were flowing from my brain to my fingers, from my fingers to the letter. Day by day (maybe I should say letter by letter) I’ve known him better and he’s known me better. He says he read exclamations as the way I said :D. I am so lucky to have a friend like him from the other side of the Mediterranean. Let’s see what time will bring us new.

Once and for all, my aims were improving my skills and making friends from all over the World. Thank the Slowly team, I’ve lived a unique experience. It is wonderful to make friends from a completely different part of the World and to see their country through their eyes.

For all beautiful friendships that connect the Worldโ€ฆ

A big hug from East Mediterranean

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