Once upon a time… I was sitting in my room, thinking about HOW CAN I HAVE MORE FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM? How can I get more likes/hearts on my photos? How can I be famous actriz? What should I do for it? Maybe model is what I want to be…. And in one sec I had on my mind one idea ,,Everyone is on TikTok now!”, so I did it. I found TikTok and I wait. One minute, one hour, two days… And nothing happened! I was still me! No famous actriz, no famous model, no new followers on Instagram…
…Bud then I found it! Between Social Media’s Apps was Slowly. I knew it from the past, but I did not use it for a while. What about give it to this App another chance? I used to love letters from my friends, when I was small girl. So why not?
First day I had so many funny and crazy ideas how to describe myself, that It was not me! It was some #StayPositive girl, which I always want to be… But after few days, I found a friend. I found a really good friend here. I didn’t know anything. How he looks like, if he likes the same ice-cream as me, if he is singing in the shower Katy Perry or Taylor Swift. Nothing. Just some details, which he had on his profile… We were at the same position, and that was it. He didn’t blame me for anything, how I looked… It doesn’t metter, if I am large or small, if I wear size XS or XXXL. We were just sending letters and waiting to the new one, which were reply’s for us…
And then I realized – from which place he is. He lives just 10 minutes from my apartment! Can you believe it?! I have never meet him, because I was too afraid to look at the strangers, I was too afraid to say goodbye to my comfort zone on Instagram, that I’ve never meet this guy. Until now…
Thanks Slowly I have this good friend, who lives just in next doors. We have our special ritual – we send letters via Slowly until today… 🙂 It’s nice to stop for a while and think just about the words which mean in this world so much! Try it!