I arrived on slowly just a tiny bit over a year ago, I love my culture so much, I want to talk about it, Italy is like a fairy tale and in the place I live in particular you can find all kinds; Faes, merfolks, ghosts, monsters and sometimes even humans ๐
Unfortunately people don’t see well what they see every day, so I thought “Miriam, you want to talk about your culture but people wouldn’t listen to you, because they only see the negative sides, well then why not talk about it with someone who doesn’t see what I see every day, and in exchange learn more and more about the diversity of the world?”
Because, we are like stars, and each star is different from the others.
Here I discovered a world, not only did I have-and still have-the chance to talk about what I love, share experiences, have a nice chit-chat and be (as an author) inspired by how this wide range of people see the world, but I’ve also made some real, sincere friendships, and in real life the friendships I have that are sincere are…like…two?
Go out, go and see the world, touch the grass a bit, because you’ll have to tell the friends you’ll make something ๐
I thank Akhil for accompanying me on this mental journey around the globe, a wise and calm man, a golden person, I love to call him; Olga, with her American dream and Russian roots, who finds it difficult to trust and always tries to seem shady to gain some attention, but who is actually a complete ray of sunshine; Hadi, who is extremely committed to learning Italian and in return helps me learn Arabic, who is a true hero in his own way and who is capable to go far away; Sandy, whose name is like sand, companion of legends that we tell each other in every letter; Ming, with the dream of going to study in China and who every time can’t wait for my letters, know that I also love your letters and can’t wait for them to arrive and finally, but not for merit, Marta, Italian companion who always tries to learn another language, sweet and who always shows all her teeth in every smile ( you’re perfect, keep shining like this)
Here to tell you, if you enter this new world that Slowly is, you will love it, it doesn’t matter what kind of person you are, remember to go and touch some grass from time to time, but here you could really make some lasting friends and learn more about the cultures and diversity of the world, as well as on life.
If anyone wants to start somewhere and be my friend at this point, this is my ID: RZW80R
Please, dearest traveller, remember to drink some water and to get some rest.