
Slowly Stories

Penpalships You Can Only Find on Slowly

Slowly taught me the most important lesson of treasuring people in your life. Never take them for granted.

We often exchange stories, about our fears and worries about life. I never hesitated to tell him anything.

Gil went out of his way, taking time off work to show us around his hometown of Querétaro, taking us to places we would never have found without him.

We felt like we were in the same room, even though we were almost a thousand kilometers apart.

I am ever so blessed for my Slowly penpals that have warmed my heart and stopped me from feeling alone.

My past me probably wouldn't believe that I can now talk to people with ease and not feel overwhelmed all the time...

Slowly has helped me come out of my shell and become more confident that people will appreciate what I say.

As an Introvert, the most hardest thing to do is to make friends and this app definitely made it easier for me to communicate...

Your letter may have been what that person is needing at that particular time...

Slowly made me a different person. I can now express my emotions, my mental state and what's going on in my life in an efficient manner...

My life started changing after that point and now she is to become my wife.

Thanks to Slowly, I have the love and motivation for learning English once again. :)


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