
Slowly Stories

Penpalships You Can Only Find on Slowly

She was the first person who didn't just tolerate me but genuinely wanted to listen.

Hearing about so many peoples different experiences and outlooks on life, where they traveled to...

When you find someone important, neither distance nor time difference mattersโ€ฆ

Her letters made me think about lots of the stuff that I had taken for granted in the world, and she and I held several of the same moral values.

Iโ€™m grateful to her and to Slowly for helping me find a true friend, a real pen pal, and someone my age who shares my interests.

Your letter may have been what that person is needing at that particular time...

I've found myself empowered and inspired by the people I've met so far - and you might too!

Watching your pen pal come to life, and materialize into the friend youโ€™ve learned so much about, is the most sentimental and surreal feeling ever.

Despite being a very reserved and quiet person, Slowly has helped me connect with others.

Always tell your friends you love them, even during the hard times.

For the majority of my life, I felt isolated. I felt estranged from my peers at school and I even felt estranged from my family.

Finding warm and nice penpals might be a bit challenging for every one writes in their own unique way.


Start connecting with the world now!

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