
Slowly Stories

Penpalships You Can Only Find on Slowly

I didn't think that i will connect people all around the world without judging people by appearances...

I didn't expect that anyone will ever talk to me like my first pen pal wrote me.

Slowly showed me that you don't have to leave home to know the world, and people.

I was anxious and nervous in the beginning, but now I am willing to trust this friendship with all of my heart.

I took off my mask and for the first time I ever tried to be honest.

Politically there are no good relations but through Slowly I made some Indian friends. I am glad to have such a deep conversation with them.

She is 7 years-old younger than me, we started to connect through Slowly sharing our habits & thoughts โ€˜in almost 100%โ€™ in common.

Since a year ago, I felt very sad and was in a stage of deep melancholy. Prayed every day to receive an angel in my life, although my angel didn't appear physically to greet me, came through a letter...

Slowly is like a gift, it makes you see things 'Slowly' as the app itself is named, and it makes you appreciate every letter, every word...

I came out to her as transgender and she is the only person who really sees me for who I am as a person, she doesn't see my body, she sees me...

She actually listened to what I had to say and think in times when real world colleagues and friends didnโ€™t find the the time or care too...

And right now, she's out there, living her life. It was honestly one of the greatest things I've ever experienced in my life...


Start connecting with the world now!

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