Every time I open the Slowly App, I always make a quick scroll below to check out Slowly Story. I can’t really understand why that has become an unconscious habit of some sort. 🤔
Some of the stories I read there told a fantastic flavor of found friendships. Paragraphs filled with passionate phrases that narrate how a simple paperless encounter here alters the purpose of a person or two. Each exchanged letter turns into enthusiastic endeavors that enlighten one another. Truly a sweet, uplifting tale that carries actual truth rather than mere tall tales. 😊
Yet it was not always happy and dandy. Now and then, the corner recites a history of heartbreak. Recounts of something good that, like all good things in the world, didn’t last forever. The bygone beauty of meetings that ended in farewells, often without warning. 🥺
It was usually in those moments that a whimsy calling emerged inside me. „Should I share my side of these stories?“ 🤔
But the next questions put such a peculiar desire to pause. „Where should I even begin?“, „Will my experience even contribute much to the discussion?“, or „Will it end up discouraging people from trying instead?“
Until today… 😌
To be honest, I don’t quite remember how or when I ended up in this App. But a little voice inside my head told me, „Go check the achievement stamps!“ 😁 And there I realized, I’ve been here since early December 2018 (Hello World!). The details of that day were fuzzy at best. Somehow, though, I do know it was due to my eagerness to correspond with others.
My first experience with paper-based pen-pal letters was around two decades before. Sadly, that didn’t last more than a few months and a couple of letters at best. But it was enough to pique my curiosity to install Slowly and restart what I failed to do in my innocent years.
Imagine how amazed I am to know that I just passed my 5th anniversary here! „Staying slow for 5 years,“ the App says. Slowly, indeed. Haha. 🤭
Of course, the bigger question at hand would be: „How was the experience so far?“ 🤨
I must admit, the answer to that is puzzling in its own way. I can, however, point out that it’s been a rollercoaster ride. The two versions of the story sensations I mentioned above? I have indeed gone through both. And probably more.
Many of the letters I wrote here never got a single reply. Well, sometimes just one, but continued by a definitive silence, which sent a clear message without saying a word more. In my first year, I recall I made several good friends across the globe. None of them are still active once the world reopened after the pandemic, though. That is undeniably sad, as I still hope they are doing well as of this writing. 🙏🏻
Oh, and I also ran into someone who proclaimed that I was „A very rude person!!!“ for being busy with work and could never reply soon enough. Reading that statement was agitating and annoying then, almost making me quit this App altogether. But an honest hilarity now, as I am remembering it. That person did have a personal preference for interaction, and I guess, at the time, my hectic schedule just didn’t meet such a high standard. If life hadn’t been so stressful during that period, I could have been a better correspondent. 😔
What happens now, many years later? I guess I’m pleased to say that the tables have turned. No, the better wording would be „I am PROUD“ of the good people who are on my regular mailing list. 😃
Among them is a hardworking cold-weather-loving professor who inspired me to learn a new language. Despite our hectic schedules, we somehow made time to stay in touch, lifting each other spirits with the simplest gestures. It’s been three years and counting! Say whaaaat? 😳
To advance that linguistic lesson, I braved myself to start writing to people from countries speaking that native language. Lo and behold, I ended up writing letters to another professor from another corner of the world, even with my on-and-off understanding of the language (when you get to a certain age, learning isn’t as easy, le sigh… 😅).
This non-English exchange has helped me to learn more of the language, including words that any course won’t be teaching you. Hahaha. 😏
I have also had the pleasure of meeting fellow music and art enthusiasts. And I even had the honor of being the first people in the world to hear the debut of one of their musical pieces (spoiler alert: it’s magnificent! 😃). We exchanged titles of terrific tunes, transcending the letters to a timely crescendo! 🎶
I guess I’ve been here long enough to offer some advice. If you are new to Slowly, it may be wise to lower your expectations early on. Don’t be discouraged if you’re not receiving a rousing reply or a memorable match right away. Just keep a positive mind, and sooner or later, you’ll find what you’re looking for. 😌🙏🏻
And if the other party chooses to not respond to your written invitation? Please respect that decision too. You are not to blame for that, and neither are they. Your and their preferences just weren’t compatible enough to turn into something more. In some cases, it may take a while to get the groove going. But you’ll get there in your own time, and you’ll know it when you’re there. 😉👍🏻
Once you meet someone mutual, adjust your emotions (excitement, thrills, patience) accordingly. Don’t quickly resort to anger if they cannot write back as fast as you’d prefer. Also, heaven forbid, if they suddenly ghost you out of the blue. Yes, ghosting is a thing here too, don’t be remotely surprised. 😅
No matter how you see it, Slowly is still an emulation of real-life situations. The other users you interact with here are still humans, not some high-tech A.I. that can grant any wishes upon command. And the thing about humans? We are limited. Perhaps, a life-changing event is happening on their side of the world. The inner struggles of strong introversion required extra time to recharge their think tank? Or the mounting pressure of the workplace’s deadline has cornered them to a wall of despair? We all have our rhyme or reasons. 🤷🏻♂️
Choose kindness and wish them well. And keep moving onward with an open mind and heart. The journey itself shall be a lesson of growth you’ll appreciate. 😊👍🏻
Life is a never-ending cycle of „Hello“ and „Goodbye“. There is an inevitability to that. But every so often, it leads you to your kindred spirits: the ones who come in and choose to stay. When that happens, rejoice and cherish the moment for as long as the opportunities allow. 😌
This undoubtedly applies to Slowly too. As you slowly walk through the process, you’ll find yourself in the comfort of a caring friend or even a counseling brother/sister here. Probably even an attentive teacher or an aspiring student, soothing emotional support, or a stern voice of reason that you never knew you needed. Someone who is there when you’re feeling lonely, or someone who wishes to count on you during their darkest days. That experience is unique to each user, so there is never right or wrong. That’s why every Slowly Story is also never the same. 😌
Rollercoaster ride aside, one thing I can say in confidence. I am grateful, tremendously thankful for every encounter, the different diamonds I have come across through Slowly. Each one shines in its sparkling ways. But everyone’s a precious treasure nonetheless. Especially the ones who stick through my antics (yes, I’m talking about you if you’re reading this! 😜). And I wouldn’t change them for the world. ☺️
As I’m submitting this Slowly Story, 2023 is days away from its curtain call. I look forward to even more correspondence in 2024. Will I still be here 5 years from now? There’s no telling what the future holds. But as long as I’m still receiving letters from pen-friends around the world, then you can count on me to write for them too. 😉👍🏻
May this Slowly Story inspire others, old and new to the App, to weave and write their own. A story of wonders or woes, trials or tribulations, jests or joys. Precious ones that only they know how to tell. 👋🏻😁