Příběhy Slowly


🇰🇷 South Korea

Since a year ago, I felt very sad and was in a stage of deep melancholy. Prayed every day to receive an angel in my life, although my angel didn't appear physically to greet me, came through a letter...

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🇮🇳 India

Our friendship travelled from “Warm Regards” to “Tons of Love”...

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🇸🇦 Saúdská Arábie

Když jsem byl malý, byl mi diagnostikován autismus. Díky tomu byla moje matka (a nakonec i já, když jsem byl starší) nesmírně smutná.

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🇩🇪 Germany

For an eternity, I've been looking for a way to make pen pals...

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🇺🇸 United States

I met the love of my life using Slowly...

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🇷🇸 Serbia

I came out to her as transgender and she is the only person who really sees me for who I am as a person, she doesn't see my body, she sees me...

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🇲🇾 Malaysia

In the real world, I was a guy who didn't have a lot of friends. I was more of an introvert...

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🇹🇼 Tchaj-wan

Naše dopisy bývají obsáhlé a velmi zajímavé...

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🇮🇩 Indonesia

It may be hard to find someone who wants to share and talk about stuff, but once you find them you know that they could be your lifetime friend...

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🇧🇷 Brazil

Nowadays he sends me beautiful poems, I send him drawings and we build our friendship in beautiful paragraphs and colored pencils...

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