
Příběhy Slowly

Kamarádství, které najdete jen na Slowly

Even though I have no degree, nor professional courses, I'm here to share my story, my everyday...

bylo fascinující slyšet o rozdílech mezi kulturou a strukturou našich životů.

Just as I made sending letters through Slowly a fundamental part of my routine, I also learned to listen to my penpals.

An ear is what we all truly want and SLOWLY has provided such a great platform.

I když se často cítíme naštvaní nebo nervózní, když lidé čekají dlouho, aby odpověděli na naše texty, u Slowly, je čakání to pravé.

Why would I want to do that, when I have instant messaging? When there are much faster, quicker ways to contact people than wait hours?

My life is no longer a monotone & is actually a true Opera house...

Through this app, I've typed an unprecedented amount of words to convey feelings I've never been able to express before...

Slowly nám dalo výpusť, díky které jsme mohli mluvit o věcech, které bychom normálně do telefonu normálně nechtěli říct.

I sought a listener, found a friend and then lost her...

Because of them, my goal is to help people. My dream came true. I get inspired by them, as they get inspired by me.

Dopis japonskému příteli, Winter Solstice (Zimní slunovrat)


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