
Příběhy Slowly

Kamarádství, které najdete jen na Slowly

For me, the small act of downloading an app with such a unique idea completely changed my life in a spectacular way...

My Slowly story was actually an app I downloaded to improve my English.

Náš je příběh dvou lidí z úplně jiných míst na Zemi, o zápasech, které jsme měli, a o přátelství a poutu, které jsme vytvořili.

I was astounded just to read about life in a different country or even continent! So many different customs, so many different ways of thinking...

I've met a wonderful man here in Slowly. He has a pure and gentle soul...

She helped me learn about Chinese culture and traditions. I told her that hopefully one day I'll get the chance to meet her...

At one moment we knew we were deeply in love with each other...

In "Slowly" I found a good friend! Always support me, understand me, care about me, and accompany me in any situation.

A. didn’t run away, and their eyes finally met for the first time. It was different from what they had expected, and it was better...

Slova v sobě mají úžas­nou moc, zvlášť, když do nich vložíme snahu, jak nás Slowly vybízí. Je to nádherné.

Jako novinář rád poznávám více o lidech a o tom, jak prožívají život. Slowly mi však umožnilo překročit to, co jsem očekával.

Deep down, I think everyone longs to find out what's beyond the confines of their own culture—the huge world at large.


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