
Příběhy Slowly

Kamarádství, které najdete jen na Slowly

Slova v sobě mají úžas­nou moc, zvlášť, když do nich vložíme snahu, jak nás Slowly vybízí. Je to nádherné.

Jako novinář rád poznávám více o lidech a o tom, jak prožívají život. Slowly mi však umožnilo překročit to, co jsem očekával.

Deep down, I think everyone longs to find out what's beyond the confines of their own culture—the huge world at large.

The act of correspondence where you share a bit about yourself can make you feel a smidge vulnerable at first, but if you give it some time, it will pay off.

It all started with "Saudações cara compatriota!" ("Greetings my fellow compatriot!") and in total, we ended up exchanging 103 letters.

Už se nebojím odmítnutí od lidí, protože vím, že je tu vždycky někdo, kdo mě přijme takovou, jaká jsem, nehledě na to, jak špatné moje vady a nedostatky mohou být.

By simply letting our personalities flow through our letters, we were able to convey to others who we are despite the distance.

I’m truly happy that we got to know each other through that app, and that both of us can find support in each other.

For the majority of my life, I felt isolated. I felt estranged from my peers at school and I even felt estranged from my family.

My friends and teachers call me an alien, because I like to do some crazy and weird things in school.

They listen to me vent, they reassure me and I know that eventually everything will be okay.

When my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer two years ago, it was my Slowly family who helped me through.


Začněte se spojovat s celým světem teď hned!

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