Příběhy Slowly
Kamarádství, které najdete jen na Slowly
Slowly became a safe and warm space for me, where I left my heart and feelings in the letters and received those of other people in the same way.
When I write letters here to people around the world, I feel like I don't have any trouble with my disorders.
Chronické onemocnění dokáže lidi cítit se osamoceně, ale online komunity nám dávají vědět, že se někdo stará.
In "Slowly" I found a good friend! Always support me, understand me, care about me, and accompany me in any situation.
I always had them when I felt down and when I felt happy, and I too was with them, all of us following each others' journey.
I’m truly happy that we got to know each other through that app, and that both of us can find support in each other.
They listen to me vent, they reassure me and I know that eventually everything will be okay.
When my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer two years ago, it was my Slowly family who helped me through.
Když jsem začal znovu komunikovat s lidmi, všiml jsem si, že jsem schopen mít lepší rozhovory a propojit se s lidmi na hlubší úrovni.
The first letter I’d ever sent was the very first letter she had ever read. Coincidental?
Vždycky jsem milovala mluvení a objevování nových věcí. Jakmile kliknu na nějakou osobu, konverzace bude pokračovat.
As an Australian living in China, there are periods of time where loneliness and isolation can overwhelm you.