Příběhy Slowly
Kamarádství, které najdete jen na Slowly
I can describe it as a meditative experience: I feel fully present in the moment and I forget about the world as I keep typing.
Nikdy jsem si nemyslela, že si dokážu vytvořit přátele skrze psaní dopisů ...
Cítím se jako starý přítel, který si navzájem chyběl, a konečně jsme se po dlouhé době odloučení znovu setkali
„Zníš jako moje spřízněná duše,“ mi napsala na začátku prvního dopisu.
Proč lidé v současnosti posílají dopisy?
In my childhood, I remember I read a book where that guy used to have a pen friend, whom he never met in his lifetime.
It's more special than instant conversations. Whenever I feel bad, happy, or whatever, I write to them without hesitation.
Running into such a similar yet interesting soul does not happen everyday...
There was nobody in my life whom I can share my deepest feeling and not being judged.
Since I use it, I have been receiving beautiful, emotional letters from many parts of the world.
While I was feeling stuck on the traffic of instant messages, SLOWLY showed me clearly another vibrant dimension of networking with people.
Like many other users of Slowly, I'm sure, I have always longed to make deeper connections with people.