Histoires Slowly
Relations avec correspondants que vous pouvez seulement trouver sur Slowly
Je suis infiniment reconnaissant(e) pour mes correspondants Slowly, qui ont réchauffé mon cœur et m’ont empêché(e) de me sentir seul(e).
Une nuit d'insomnie, une idée m'est venue à l'esprit : pourquoi ne pas demander conseil aux aînés sur Slowly ?...
For the majority of my life, I felt isolated. I felt estranged from my peers at school and I even felt estranged from my family.
The first letter I’d ever sent was the very first letter she had ever read. Coincidental?
I couldn’t imagine if the letters could do so much.
If you want an escape from life, if you feel yourself growing frustrated with ordinary social media apps… Try taking things Slowly.
I do really feel like I am in touch again with the world, thanks to all the great conversations I'm having now with such sweet people.