
Histoires Slowly

Amitiés que vous ne trouverez que sur Slowly

Imagine how amazed I am to know that I just passed my 5th anniversary here! "Staying slow for 5 years," the App says. SLOWLY, indeed...

We often exchange stories, about our fears and worries about life. I never hesitated to tell him anything.

SLOWLY m’a aidée à sortir de ma coquille et à devenir plus sûre que les gens apprécieront ce que je dis.

En tant qu'introverti, la chose la plus difficile est de se faire des amis, et cette application m'a définitivement facilité la communication.

Un endroit qui convient à un introverti.

It's great to know that I have a friend on the other side of the world.

Les lettres sont écrites avec l'âme, parce que les gens veulent vraiment communiquer avec vous, et pas seulement des préoccupations quotidiennes.

He was able to make me smile from a far country.

We talked to each other about everything, about our problems, our dreams, our day... everything, every day.

"There Are No Strangers Here; Only Friends You Haven't Yet Met." is such an exact quote for SLOWLY~

Before, I was a girl who didn’t have a lot of friends and was mostly an introvert. Nevertheless, after I joined Slowly, I have lots of fun that I hadn’t experienced before!

Meaningful conversations revolving around any topic can most certainly lead to personal growth and character development...


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