
Slowly történetek

Barátságok, amelyeket csak a Slowly-n találhatsz

We exchanged a few handwritten letters (until mine was lost in the mail), met a few times to work together in a café or walk along the Seine.

Slowly gave me hope, captured in a letter.

I am feeling emotions I haven't experienced in a long time. We share things we love and try to appreciate the things we don't.

Earth can be a scary, chaotic place, but it feels more like home when you know there are people thousands of miles away who are willing to face the challenges here with you.

Természetesen a szociofóbia nem múlt el, de könnyebb lett együtt élni vele.

de megtartottam a levelét a levelezőlistámban mert ez egyike a kedvenc leveleimnek ezen az alkalmazáson.

A levelei alapján beleszerettem, még mielőtt megismertem volna az igazi nevét, vagy láttam volna az arcát, egy képet. A leveleiből láttam azt, ami igazán fontos: a lelkét.

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone...

This time, it was to a person living in the same country.

And life has changed: travelling on the train becomes my privileged "writing room".

He introduced me to Slowly and told me if you're afraid to say things to your family, you should probably be fine to talk about it to a stranger.

In this platform, you can share and encourage everything in life with each other, no matter of race, gender or age.


Kapcsolódj a világhoz Slowlyn keresztül!

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