
Slowly történetek

Levelezőtársak, amiket csak a Slowly-n találhatsz meg

It was like a journey of self-discovery as I discover about others.

A Slowly megnyitotta előttem a világot.

It feels like getting a real letter, even though it's on a phone.

Ugyanolyan könnyedén beszélgettünk személyesen, mint az alkalmazásban, bejártuk a bevásárlóközpontot, és desszertet ettünk a Dippin’ Dots-nál..

I am feeling emotions I haven't experienced in a long time. We share things we love and try to appreciate the things we don't.

Earth can be a scary, chaotic place, but it feels more like home when you know there are people thousands of miles away who are willing to face the challenges here with you.

A levelei alapján beleszerettem, még mielőtt megismertem volna az igazi nevét, vagy láttam volna az arcát, egy képet. A leveleiből láttam azt, ami igazán fontos: a lelkét.

Proprio l'altra notte ho sognato di essere in vacanza a Tenerife.

My Asian friends gave me a vision of their country that I certainly wouldn't have given a “google”… My friends from Egypt made me...

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone...

This time, it was to a person living in the same country.

And life has changed: travelling on the train becomes my privileged "writing room".


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