
Cerita-cerita Slowly

Persahabatan yang Hanya Bisa Anda Temukan di Slowly

Always tell your friends you love them, even during the hard times.

I don't necessarily think that my story is as exciting or optimistic as others but I do want to tell my story if it gets out there...

Some letters are like sun rays that keep shining in my heart.

This is a life full of twists and turns, because I think that life doesn't always go as straight as a horizontal line as imagined...

Aku mengenal begitu banyak talenta, orang-orang yang menarik yang membuatku merasa bahwa masa depan itu aman selama mereka di sini, dunia yang diberkati.

Isnโ€™t it amusing how close of a relationship you can develop just over words?

It all started 2.5 years ago, on an autumn night, and grew into an amazing friendship.

They listen to me vent, they reassure me and I know that eventually everything will be okay.

Some people are fleeting, and others have stayed for years. In all of this, I've learned the value of friendship and the true value of human connection, physical or otherwise.

Walaupun latar belakang dan gaya hidup kita secara keseluruhan memang berbeda, kita secara dalam terhubung.

To be in constant frustration, isolated and too much of my dismay, I am all alone.

I've always loved talking and finding out new things. Once I click with a certain person, the conversation will go on and on.


Mulai terhubung dengan dunia sekarang!

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