Cerita Slowly

A.I. Diagiamini

🇨🇱 Chile

Just as I made sending letters through Slowly a fundamental part of my routine, I also learned to listen to my penpals.

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🇬🇧 Inggris Raya

Ketika ada aplikasi yang lebih cepat, lebih gesit untuk menghubungi orang lain tanpa harus menunggu berjam-jam?

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🇺🇸 United States

Because of them, my goal is to help people. My dream came true. I get inspired by them, as they get inspired by me.

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🇰🇼 Kuwait

Mereka mendengarkanku, membantuku dan menghiburku ketika aku sedang sedih

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🇧🇩 Bangladesh

Sama seperti banyak warga negara perempuan lainnya di negara dunia urutan ketiga ini, aku dihukum bagai melakukan tindakan yang sangat memalukan.

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🇮🇩 Indonesia

Then we met up in a restaurant inside a mall. Spending 9 hours talking with him is such a bless...

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🇵🇰 Pakistan

I didn't expect that anyone will ever talk to me like my first pen pal wrote me.

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🇨🇳 China

I took off my mask and for the first time I ever tried to be honest.

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🇵🇰 Pakistan

*Slowly: An abundance of Happiness*

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🇬🇧 United Kingdom

I've found so many close and fantastic friendships here that trying to narrow it down to just one was impossible...

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🇸🇦 Arab Saudi

Ketika aku remaja, aku didiagnosa Autisme. Ini membuat Ibuku (begitupun aku yang beranjak dewasa) sangat dirundung kesedihan, mengetahui bahwa hal tersebut akan terasa sulit untuk berkomunikasi dan bersosialisasi.

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