Storia Slowly


🇩🇪 Germania

Tutti noi abbiamo avuto esperienze diverse che ci hanno fatto crescere o che ci hanno fatto interrogare sulla nostra esistenza.

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Steffen Em

🇩🇪 Germany

I choose to be kind - and I think we all should

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🇩🇪 Germany

It was on a stormy and rainy night. Some thunder was to hear every now and then.

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🇩🇪 Germania

Ragazzi!!! é stato forse uno dei momenti piú belli che mi siano mai capitati.

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🇩🇪 Germany

Just try your best to search for your "light" in the darkness. It will be worth it to fight for it- trust me!

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🇩🇪 Germania

Ora ci sono contatti a cui scrivo una volta alla settimana, alcuni che svaniscono di nuovo e quelli più importanti che sono le 2 o 3 persone con cui mi sento veramente in contatto.

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The Mad Hattress

🇩🇪 Germany

You could say Slowly led me down a rabbit hole, which ended in an emotional Rollercoaster xD

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🇩🇪 Germany

I still kept him around in my friend list because this is one of my favorite encounters in this app.

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Reconsidered & grey witch

🇩🇪 Germany & 🇵🇭 Philippines

Thanks for leading me to the other end of my red strings, Slowly.

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🇩🇪 Germany

Next month we’ll finally overcome the 320 km that stand between us and we’ll finally meet each other.

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🇩🇪 Germania

Ricordo che negli anni ’80 usavo scrivere lettere reali fatte di carta e penna con francobolli e simili.

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🇮🇹 Italy

I want to share some glimpses of my new found friendship, thanks to this wonderful app.

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