Slowly Verhaal


🇩🇪 Germany

On a sleepless night, an idea popped up in my head - why not ask the elder on Slowly?...

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🇮🇳 Indië

Het is mijn verhaal, het verhaal van mezelf begrijpen en mezelf accepteren.

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🇺🇸 United States

Chronic illness can make people feel alone, but online communities let us know, somebody cares.

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🇺🇸 United States

After only a short period of time, I soon realized I wasn’t all that different in this world.

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🇲🇽 Mexico

Making connections with people has always been hard for me...

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🇫🇷 France

Some letters are like sun rays that keep shining in my heart.

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🇫🇷 法国

Slowly是一本书,它包含由字母组成的许多页面, 不同的故事在这个app上无限地交织在一起 ...

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🇷🇺 Russia

Words hold such great power, especially if you put effort into them, as Slowly requires us to do. It is beautiful.

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🇧🇷 Brazil

As a journalist, I love getting to know more about people and how they experience life.

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🇺🇸 Verenigde Staten

Ik ben niet langer bang om door mensen afgewezen te worden, omdat ik weet dat er altijd iemand zal zijn die mij zal accepteren zoals ik ben, hoe erg mijn gebreken en onvolkomenheden ook zijn.

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Fajar Gusmy

🇮🇩 Indonesia

I've experienced the most tiring struggle to socialize. The era of the internet doesn't guarantee interconnections, especially in most social media I use.

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🇵🇭 Philippines

Slowly became that channel we needed to unfurl our deepest thoughts and emotions. And it worked like a charm for us.

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