Príbehy Slowly


🇷🇴 Rumunsko

Ale ja som prepadol jej listom ešte skôr, ako som spoznal jej skutočné meno alebo videl jej tvár, obrázok, cez jej listy som uzrel to, na čom záleží...

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🇦🇺 Australia

If you want an escape from life, if you feel yourself growing frustrated with ordinary social media apps… Try taking things Slowly.

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🇧🇷 Brazil

The initial idea was to practice English ...

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A.I. Diagiamini

🇨🇱 Chile

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone...

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🇧🇷 Brazil

I've never had an easy time making friends, feeling much more comfortable talking through the computer screen or cell phone.

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🇳🇴 Norway

This time, it was to a person living in the same country.

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🇮🇹 Italy

And life has changed: travelling on the train becomes my privileged "writing room".

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🇮🇳 India

He introduced me to Slowly and told me if you're afraid to say things to your family, you should probably be fine to talk about it to a stranger.

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🇮🇹 Italy

Using technology for such a beautiful thing is something fantastic.

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🇹🇼 Taiwan

In this platform, you can share and encourage everything in life with each other, no matter of race, gender or age.

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🇹🇷 Turkey

I can discuss Sheakespeare with a British, Volteire with French, Mauppassant…

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🇧🇷 Brazília

nevedela som, že sa chystá stretnutie s niekým novým a že budem hovoriť o všetkom na hlbšej úrovni.

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