Throughout my whole childhood, friends have left me one by one, leaving only memories that hurt to think about. I now have 2 friends who are lying about things, betraying me in different ways, and I don’t feel good about them at all. It wouldn’t surprise me if they left me soon too and leave me all alone.
But then there’s this amazing app that I can’t be happier about. I have friends here that I feel so comfortable talking to about everything that comes to my mind, and I hope these friends will be with me forever.
One friend I have in mind is a guy from Peru. Before I started sending letters to him, I hadn’t heard about Peru. I didn’t even know it was a country. Now I know that their food is amazing, and I know about the country of Peru. His letters are amazing; they make me smile every time I receive a letter from him, even though it takes some time for the letters to come. He is like a friend I’ve never had, and I hope that he will be my friend for a long, long time.
I also miss a person who I did send letters to. He is from another country I had never heard about, which is Malta. I know so much about Malta now, and that person made me laugh when I felt the absolute worst. He gave me book recommendations, and he was supporting me with the novel that I’m writing. Now I miss him because he hasn’t been online nor answered my letters. But I know he is busy, and I’ll bet he has it good right now.
I am so grateful for this app. When I write letters here to people around the world, I feel like I don’t have any trouble with my disorders. I feel free, comfortable and confident. That rarely happens in real life when I’m talking to someone. Again, I can’t be happier than I am about this app.
So, for the Slowly team who came up with this wonderful idea and who is working with it, thank you. Thank you a thousand times for what an amazing app you’ve created. I’m thankful for all the nice people here. I can’t thank you enough for how you have made me feel recently. I haven’t felt this good for a long time, and it’s all thanks to you guys who are in the Slowly team and the people in this app.