透過 Slowly,免除了即時回覆的需要,你可以在無壓力的情況下練習外語。每一封信都是一個讓你可以仔細選擇用詞、探索新詞彙和潤色措辭的機會。
「友誼是一種慢慢成熟的果實。」亞里士多德洞察到這一點,而 Slowly 就是這個道理的實證。
Join us to celebrate and connect the diverse cultures from every corner of the globe.
Six years ago today, 1st February 2017, the first version of Slowly was released.
Slowly 的延遲通訊設計雖然有天然的屏障作用,令用戶三思而後行,減少被詐騙的機會率,但仍難以獨善其身…
從而認識彼此 🗺🔍
There are hundreds of languages and countries across the world, but there's one thing that transcends all borders and language barriers: Motherhood.
幾件關於 SLOWLY 郵票的事
The year 2020 was challenging. For many people, the most distressing part of the pandemic was the idea of social isolation
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