
Slowly Stories

Penpalships You Can Only Find on Slowly

Letter to a Japanese Friend, Winter Solstice

Remembering a song by, maybe, the biggest singer from Argentina, José Larralde, he said: "I’ve been through all the world, in the same place..."

I was so happy that I went around the house saying "I RECEIVED A LETTER FROM JAPAN"

Our letters are long, drawn out paragraphs, about everything...

It is wonderful to make friends from a completely different part of the World and to see their country through their eyes.

Now I also have a big new dream to buy a ticket to South Korea and fly to Seoul to meet my awesome soulmate!

With no pretense, I suddenly found special people who cheer up my heart and make smile and laugh many times.

It's like finding Atlantis! I found a lot of nice people who share the same interests as I am.

It has connected not only us, but also our lives and hearts...

He is 60 years older than me, and yet we can still find things to agree upon and share.

I will return to my home town soon but Slowly will continue close to me.

A summer encounter


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