Slowly történetek
Levelezőtársak, amiket csak a Slowly-n találhatsz meg
It's truly delightful to find oneself in this app, whereupon I've come to a profound realization...
The close friends that i have met can only be given one word , "family"
Someday, everything will just turn to memories and it can either bring tears or smiles to our faces.
She struck a chord within my soul and right now she is a very important friend here on Slowly...
Unfortunately, he deactivated his account, and the last time I've heard from him was in August ...
I can describe it as a meditative experience: I feel fully present in the moment and I forget about the world as I keep typing.
Her letters made me think about lots of the stuff that I had taken for granted in the world, and she and I held several of the same moral values.
Slowly made me realize how beautiful this world is and how many lovely people are waiting to be discovered!
Egy számomra ismeretlen világról meséltek, de megadták a kulcsot, és körbevezettek benne.
Slowly taught me the most important lesson of treasuring people in your life. Never take them for granted.
Gyakran cserélünk történeteket, félelmeinkről és aggodalmainkról az élettel kapcsolatban. Soha nem haboztam bármit is mondani neki.
Gil nagyon sok energiát fektetett abba, hogy velünk legyen, és a munkája ellenére sok időt ránk szánt, és elvitt minket Querétaro szülővárosába mindenféle szép helyre, ahová nélküle sosem jutottunk volna el.