
Slowly történetek

Barátságok, amelyeket csak a Slowly-n találhatsz

Csak a harmincas éveim elején diagnosztizálták nálam az autizmust, így évekig állandó szorongás és frusztráció volt bennem, amiért nehezen tudtam kapcsolatot teremteni másokkal.

On a sleepless night, an idea popped up in my head - why not ask the elder on Slowly?...

We spent a pleasant afternoon in downtown Mexico City, walking around Bellas Artes and going to a classic café in the Torre Latinoamericana. A unique experience.

I always wanted to travel, and Slowly for me was a means of travel.

It's my story, the story of understanding myself and accepting myself.

When I write letters here to people around the world, I feel like I don't have any trouble with my disorders.

I thought that I could practice English and Korean here, finally try the things which my textbooks talked about.

The friendship of Manav and Aisha, across the border of India and Pakistan, will be cherished by me forever.

I choose to be kind - and I think we all should

A levelezőtársadat látni, ahogy megelevenedik és baráttá válik, akitől olyan sokat tanultál, a legérzelmesebb és legszürreálisabb érzés.

Despite being a very reserved and quiet person, Slowly has helped me connect with others.

We all want to find someone we can talk to. With that, we want to be the truest versions of ourselves.


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