Slowly történetek
Barátságok, amelyeket csak a Slowly-n találhatsz
I have a beautiful memory of friendship: the time I met my penpal in person after three years of writing letters to each other.
My past me probably wouldn't believe that I can now talk to people with ease and not feel overwhelmed all the time...
Az ember mindig akkor és ott talál a lelki társára, amikor és ahol a legkevésbé számítana rá...
After only a short period of time, I soon realized I wasn’t all that different in this world.
A. didn’t run away, and their eyes finally met for the first time. It was different from what they had expected, and it was better...
By simply letting our personalities flow through our letters, we were able to convey to others who we are despite the distance.
Amikor újra interakcióba léptem az emberekkel, észrevettem, hogy képes vagyok jobb beszélgetéseket folytatni, és mélyebb szinten kapcsolódni az emberekhez.
Maybe not all people are interested in this topic. But compared with the instant chats, writing here is more healing for my soul. I feel accepted in the decent way of talking.
Writing all these letters have helped me get through some really hard time.
For the first time I didn't feel alone, even though I was alone at home.
Maria’s letters and passion have then sparked my interest in baking recipes and ignited my passion for baking.
I felt incredibly lonely, and that's when Slowly stepped in.