
Storia Slowly

Amicizie su Slowly che puoi trovare solo qui

Solo eres tú y tu capacidad de tocar al otro con tus palabras.

Mi sento libera, a mio agio e sicura di me. Questo succede raramente nella vita reale quando parlo con qualcuno.

I thought that I could practice English and Korean here, finally try the things which my textbooks talked about.

The friendship of Manav and Aisha, across the border of India and Pakistan, will be cherished by me forever.

Vedere il tuo corrispondente prendere vita e materializzarsi nell'amico di cui hai imparato tanto è la sensazione più sentimentale e surreale che si possa provare.

Despite being a very reserved and quiet person, Slowly has helped me connect with others.

We all want to find someone we can talk to. With that, we want to be the truest versions of ourselves.

Chronic illness can make people feel alone, but online communities let us know, somebody cares.

Dónde el tiempo no se pierde, se invierte.

After only a short period of time, I soon realized I wasn’t all that different in this world.

Making connections with people has always been hard for me...

Una persona può facilmente creare delle connessioni reali e significative nonostante la distanza o l’avere diversi background culturali...


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