Storia Slowly
Amicizie di penna che puoi trovare solo su Slowly
In "Slowly" I found a good friend! Always support me, understand me, care about me, and accompany me in any situation.
I always had them when I felt down and when I felt happy, and I too was with them, all of us following each others' journey.
A. non scappò via e i loro sguardi finalmente si incrociarono per la prima volta. Fu diverso da come se lo aspettavano, lo fu in meglio: tutto più intenso, più magico, più bello. Più reale.
Isn’t it amusing how close of a relationship you can develop just over words?
Come giornalista, mi piace conoscere meglio le persone e come vivono la vita. Tuttavia, Slowly mi ha permesso di andare oltre le mie aspettative.
Deep down, I think everyone longs to find out what's beyond the confines of their own culture—the huge world at large.
The act of correspondence where you share a bit about yourself can make you feel a smidge vulnerable at first, but if you give it some time, it will pay off.
Ci parlavamo di tutto, dei nostri problemi, dei nostri sogni, delle nostre giornate... di tutto, ogni giorno.
I'm no longer afraid of being rejected by people because I know there will always be someone who will accept me for who I am, no matter how bad my flaws and imperfections might be.
By simply letting our personalities flow through our letters, we were able to convey to others who we are despite the distance.
Tutto cominciò due anni e mezzo fa in una notte d’autunno facendo sbocciare un’amicizia fantastica.
For the majority of my life, I felt isolated. I felt estranged from my peers at school and I even felt estranged from my family.