Slowly 스토리
슬로울리에서만 찾을 수 있는 펜팔 관계
He introduced me to Slowly and told me if you're afraid to say things to your family, you should probably be fine to talk about it to a stranger.
Using technology for such a beautiful thing is something fantastic.
E' stata una bella riscoperta di "arte" che non ricordavo di apprezzare così tanto.
In this platform, you can share and encourage everything in life with each other, no matter of race, gender or age.
I didn't know I was about to meet someone new to talk on a deeper level about everything.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the app about four time until I made my mind to stick to it and really try it out.
Between he and I wrote, from letter by letter, a new type of relationship. A type of chimera made out of admiration and infinite attraction polarities.
그는 세계의 반대편에 있지만, 저는 그와 대부분의 사람들보다 더 가까운 느낌을 받습니다.
Even though I have no degree, nor professional courses, I'm here to share my story, my everyday...
It was so fascinating to hear about the differences between the culture and structure of our lives.
Slowly를 통해 편지를 보내는게 일상이 된 것처럼, 저는 펜팔들 말을 듣는 법도 배웠습니다.
While we often feel annoyed or anxious when people take forever to reply to our texts, on Slowly, taking forever is the point.