Slowly 스토리


🇭🇰 Hong Kong

Through this app, I've typed an unprecedented amount of words to convey feelings I've never been able to express before...

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I3irKy & Jay297

🇬🇧 United Kingdom & 🇸🇾 Syria

Slowly gave us an outlet in which to talk about things we maybe didn’t want to breach over the phone.

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🇨🇦 Canada

Letter to a Japanese Friend, Winter Solstice

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🇹🇷 Turkey

Today is the first day we meet and my heart is literally flying.

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🇷🇺 Russia

I can be heard by whole the world. We all can be heard and listen to each other.

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Sono una persona

🇮🇹 Italia

Per esempio, ho imparato molto sulla loro cultura, politica e nazione. Nel bene e nel male si condividevano molte notizie (non sempre allegre).

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🇮🇹 Italia

La bellezza di questa applicazione, secondo me, è proprio la riscoperta dello scriversi, della corrispondenza, dell'attesa nella risposta e dell'affezionarsi alle storie, alle persone con cui abbiamo a che fare...

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🇧🇷 Brazil

I was so happy that I went around the house saying "I RECEIVED A LETTER FROM JAPAN"

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🇩🇪 Germany

I remember back in 80's I used to write real mail made out of paper & pen with stamps and such.

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🇹🇷 Turkey

I used all my luck in it, I guess. I've met an amazing person. While reading his letters, I feel like with him in Spain.

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🇮🇳 India

Till now we haven't exchanged numbers or want to connect on some other apps. Honestly we are happy writing letters to each other and not planning to change that.

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🇨🇱 칠레

각각의 편지 속 노래, 이야기, 흥미로운 질문들 그리고 재미있는 별명들은 아름다운 우정으로 발달됐어요 .

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