
Slowly Verhalen

Penvriendschap die je alleen op Slowly kunt vinden

Nu heb ik ook een grote nieuwe droom: een ticket naar Zuid-Korea kopen en naar Seoul vliegen om mijn geweldige soulmate te ontmoeten!

With no pretense, I suddenly found special people who cheer up my heart and make smile and laugh many times.

It has connected not only us, but also our lives and hearts...

She took a plane and drove 200km by car to see... me? Just... me?

When I listened to her sweet, soft voice speaking lovely Persian words to me from across the world, it melted my heart.

Hij is 60 jaar ouder dan ik, en toch kunnen we nog steeds dingen vinden waar we het over eens zijn en die we kunnen delen.

I believe that I taught 'Merhaba' word at Turkish language to at least 30 people. It means hello.

Slowly became a magical place to me at internet.

Just like many other female citizen of third world country, I was treated like convicting any shameful act.

We stayed few days together in Zagreb, discovering the city, sharing experiences and adventures...

So, after a week of sending letters in Slowly, he asked me to meet up...

Un'amicizia davvero vera, che non so se sarei in grado di incontrare di persona, anche se parliamo ogni giorno.


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