Slowly Verhalen
Penvriendschap die je alleen op Slowly kunt vinden
Thanks to Slowly, I have the love and motivation for learning English once again. :)
Al de functies waren perfect voor een introvert zoals ik, precies zoals ik wilde.
Ik bid en hoop dat onze paden elkaar binnenkort weer kruisen, eerder dan later.
I wanted to escape the world. I wanted to meet people, get to know other cultures. Find these lost black sheep as me.
It’s funny how unpredictable life is: you always find your soulmate when and where you least expect it…
From a very disturbed, confused and broken soul who couldn't understand the existence of his own soul...
Our differences are also what makes exchanging these letters such an exciting adventure.
Helaas reageerde ik niet meer op haar brieven, zonder eerst afscheid te nemen ...
I will try not to rush this time, making time for myself.
I improved my English a lot as well and now using it for Japanese!
It was starting to get boring again without new letters arriving to an extent of thinking if whether I should uninstall the app or not...
Leer nieuwe culturen en denkpatronen kennen en wees je ervan bewust dat je met je woorden levens kunt veranderen.