
Slowly Verhalen

Penvriendschap die je alleen op Slowly kunt vinden

We beschouwen onszelf als hetzelfde. Ze zegt, we zijn een aardappel die doormidden is gesneden.

On that day, neither of us knew that we would become such great friends.

My intuition told me it was him—my destined emotional confidant.

She struck a chord within my soul and right now she is a very important friend here on Slowly...

I’m grateful to her and to Slowly for helping me find a true friend, a real pen pal, and someone my age who shares my interests.

Isn’t it amusing how close of a relationship you can develop just over words?

Running into such a similar yet interesting soul does not happen everyday...

I loved 'talking' to Nick because I can write whatever I want without feeling pressured.

Hier, het is een prachtig platform om een nieuw persoon te leren kennen.


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